On August 7th, The Northport Hotel hosted our Luncheon Meeting and it was very well received by those Long Island Kiwis attending and potential members alike. Many thanks to the Northport Hotel, especially to Erin, our wait staff, Jennifer Tynan, Sales Manager and Executive Chef Michael Ross for a beautiful afternoon in Northport, Long Island. 

Recognition awards were presented to both Jennifer and to Michael for the special attention given to us. A special welcome to Gaby Brink, Carol Hellerman, Kiani Latrique, Sue Meringolo and Linda Waldorf for joining us. 

Since this meeting, both Kiani Latrique and Sue Meringolo have joined The Kiwi Club with their payment of National dues received. We welcome our new Kiwis!

Tap on photo to enlarge.


Morton's The Steakhouse,  NYC


Viana Hotel & Spa, Westbury, NY